Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Man Moment

Top Ten Reasons Why All Professional Men Should Own a Suit:
10. Seriously, if you can look this good, why wouldn't you?
9. You never know when you are going to have an interview.
8. Bosses/supervisors/managers like a man who cleans up well, trust me.
7. You can show your signficant other that you CAN TOO look nice if you want.
6. Court appearances. Yes, both professional and personal ones.
5. Suits can be found ON SALE, people.
4. Just the word Armani makes most women happy.
3. Weddings and funerals.
2. They are immensely flattering when they are properly tailored.
1. You know the song about the Sharp Dressed Man? It's true.
P.S. Thank you to my model, Sean, who can pull off Armani like nobody's business.


e dub said...

sean is the coolest. dig the glasses on him.

Lucia said...

Personal court appearances are less painful in an Armani. Court ordered anger managment classes are best done in Ralph Lauren; cool, casual classics.

Now give me a phone.